Monday 7 December 2015


Garbed in the most astounding aura he synchronised my chaos,
Left me absurdly puzzled in awe of his selfless gust.
It took me years to understand that this 
too was his way of expressing love!

-Pranjal Sharma.

Saturday 21 November 2015

A silent confession!

Tired of the chaos she finally confessed "You say I'm an emotional drama junkie,may be you're right but that's not because I like attention but because I don't want you to leave.
No one has ever been so close to me.
My ardent love for you makes me do so.
I fight for silly reasons and I cry after every possible situation but that's not because I'm too delicate with my heart...but because it gets me your love. I know love is not demanded and it can't be taken,it has to be given,but my love...what am I supposed to do when I cant get you out of my mind for even the smallest fraction of a second.You say there's no such thing as true love but let me tell you that there is true love,greater than you and me,the sky and the moon ,anything and everything. It leaves you lying in the peril of breaking down but you still find relief in that aching agony because you know that you are going to get shattered anyway.
I know you are fed up of the purgatory my company renders upon you but just stay. I've cried a million tears but for now you're the only one holding me together so don't let me breakdown because I'm going to shackle down someday or the other and I don't want it now,not today,not because of you,not here.
May be after years when I'm married to someone else and I see you across the street still with the same poignant personality, I'll smile and the soul beneath my soul will thank you for being the slow poison but still the most soothing herb to my soul. So just be."
While he stood stumped. Because he had never thought of this before.
And for reasons unexplained ,she never cried again.
Not because he inched closer to her woe but because all she wanted was to relieve the pain of being so delicate and after ages she was happy and she took everything she wanted....with a smile! :)

-Pranjal Sharma.

Monday 16 November 2015


She loved him,
Not for the way he took her to a radiant  world (although he did),
But for the way he meticulously  beckoned her agony to sleep and enlightened her mind  only like a splendid soul could.

-Pranjal Sharma.

Saturday 14 November 2015


She sits on the chair;
At 23, rocking her child to sleep,
At 63, rocking her loneliness to sleep.

-Pranjal Sharma.

Friday 6 November 2015

Frozen :)

For her, he was just another guy;
For him, she was a Galaxy in herself.
She had no intentions of spending her life with him;
He had no intentions other than waking up with her every morning.
She was was he!
The depth of the love he felt for her knew no bounds!
He waited...for years...and in the end she had to melt !
And today...he wakes up before her...just to fulfil his see her face...with no make up, yet so beautiful !
Some people are worth melting for :)

-Pranjal Sharma.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

A disguised mishap!

Through my veins down deep run your empty streets,
Reminding me of the impurities I misjudged as treats.
Through my arteries even deeper runs your fake love,
Still deluding my mind like the swan disguised as the dove!

-Pranjal Sharma.

Tuesday 27 October 2015


She kept calm,
He thought she dint notice,
'Karma' she'd been believing in,
Some things are best left unsaid!

-Pranjal Sharma.

An unbounded bond!

She was the most beautiful girl in the town.
They loved her for her mesmerising face,
He adored her for her gorgeous soul.
Years passed and she's not the same now,
They don't find her attractive anymore,
But the lines marked by time couldn't lessen his affection for her.
Daddy still loves his princess the same!

-Pranjal Sharma.

Monday 28 September 2015

The Unheard Voice!

They teased
All her life.
Her books replied
In unheard voice.

-Pranjal Sharma.

An Unsaid story!

He wiped her tears and asked her to stay strong....
She was in a dilemma the whole time...
For she knew it could be the last time her eyes captured his sight!
His voice echoed 'I love you!' as he disappeared!
She looked at the ground and it's your turn to look after him!
Both the Mothers felt proud of their Soldier son!
-Pranjal Sharma.

Monday 24 August 2015

Don't Spare The Rare!

Living a life without any grieves,
Just like trees blooming with leaves.
Greeting everyday with a cheerful smile,
Little did I know it would be hindered in a while.

One dark night falling to the ground,
With no sound...shaking round and round.
Hard to escape when in outer space,
How life will be?Are things not with me?

And tears came streaming down my  face,
Leave me alone or help me escape.
Roaming around every single lane,
Please help me out..please cure my pain.

Then came the doctor and threw me a rope,
And I held it as the only hope .
Fear pervaded my mind to the core,
Thinking what would he do to me more.

But he cured my pains and rendered me clean,
The taste was horrible but that's how it's been.
I am happy that this phase is finally gone,
I feel relieved and newly born!

From the darker side to a brighter one,
We saw the rush ,the ruthless run.
Emerging from the shadows of moving pain,
Let's promise that we won't feel it again.

I plead to the world to consider our cry,
Don't neglect us,let's give it a try.
Keep it safe and play it fair,
And let's just not spare the rare!
-Pranjal Sharma

Friday 26 June 2015


You married her with all your heart,
You promised her that you'll never tear apart ,
Holding her hands with all your love,
You ensured her that you'll never let go.

After your first time she was totally confused  ,
She turned to share her feelings but you refused,
You wandered in your dreams and she wandered over your face,
Even your snores sounded to her like a jingling lace.

Deeply in love you gave her a hope,
As a result she expected a rope,
Right in her womb she could feel a muse,
Gathering her feelings she told you the news .

You jumped out of happiness and cried of joy,
She told you slowly it's not a baby boy,
Your expressions scared the hell out of her,
You told her that you don't want a daughter.

You asked her to get that shit out of her,
She couldn't understand as she was a mother,
Ruining her dreams you killed the baby,
Along with the child you killed a mother may be.

Where did all your love go now?
The promises you made,the dreams she saw!
She was shackled and her heart questioned her insight ,
Is this the guy you loved with all your might?

She lived with you and proved a good wife,
But a mother kept on cutting her like a knife,
Troubled by the mess she ended her thread,
And wrote you a beautiful message which read-

I loved you with all my soul but you loved only your life!
You killed not only my baby but also your wife.
A son is a son till he gets his wife ,
A daughter is a daughter till the end of life! 
-Pranjal Sharma

Saturday 7 February 2015

Stop being stupid!

One cold morning with freezing breeze,
I stepped in a park with ample ease,
Looking around the lonely lane,
My eyes stood stunned at a broken pane.

Heading towards the pane very slowly,
I saw a girl who looked very holy,
Asking her if she knew about the pane,
I heard something which choked my brain.

The girl said she was abused last night,
Her husband assaulted her because of a fight,
He was so angry that he hit her hand,
I asked her to take a very strict stand.

Explaining the reason behind the fights,
She told me that he has all the rights,
Tears rolled down her cheeks and she was cold,
All she wanted was someone to match her mould.

Her dreams were shattered when he first abused her,
And the torture continued and got even horrible,
Her love for him kept her abide,
But after a certain point its about your pride.

You love him...I understand but he should respect you back,
You are his better half not an old punching sack,
Being committed I understand is a need,
But stop being an educated stupid!

-Pranjal Sharma.