Sunday 12 February 2017

The rays of the days!

There are days when I don't feel like getting out of bed in the morning, when I don't want to talk to anyone, when there is a thought which keeps on creating chaos in my mind but on the outside I behave like the most sorted being on the planet, when I want to take my frustration out on someone but can't because some where down and deep I still have a soft corner for them no matter how mean they have been to me.

And then there are days when I feel like getting up and celebrating the beauty of the nature around, every tiny detail, the shades of the flowers, the transitions of the sky, the quarrels of the squirrels, the loyalty of the dog, the innocence of a child,  the heart pounding songs, the depth of the words, the brilliance of the writers, the kindness of my creator, the festival called life.

And I know that all of you feel the same. 

I understand, and I want you to understand, there will be things that will take your heart out but there will be things that will put it back too.

And I want to tell you that don't die for the love of the things that get on your nerves and don't die for the love of the people who won't die for you but live for those that get on your heart and stick so hard that all you can do is be the happiest version of you.

-Pranjal Sharma

Sunday 11 September 2016

May be...

As I see him in the cafe across the street after 8 long months and he waves at me... I stand still for a moment as nothing is the same now.
The last time I felt his warmth was 8 months ago and after that we parted our ways or to be was the other way round.
For the first few days, things seemed fine but then my hopeless heart started wandering in the search of the comfort his arms endowed upon me and ever since I've been craving to meet him but today as he walks towards me,I don't have anything to say.
All the chaotic questions have suddenly turned so silent today.
I don't know what to do except to look at his ever mesmerising face and smile as he looks at me.
"So do you still like strong coffee with no sugar?",he chuckles 
All I can do is nod and smile.
And as he drops me near the college gate and hugs me with his fingers running through my hair,all I can do is stand stumped because my heart which has been craving for this to happen doesn't know how to handle of all it now.
May be it has always been this way with me, I want everything in the world and when I get it, I don't know what to do with it and so I drive it away and then spend the rest of my life in melancholy.
May be it'll always be this way,I'll never be able to get out of this cage I've been building around myself and may be he will always be my favourite daydream.
May be.
-Pranjal Sharma

Thursday 19 May 2016


The makeup hid the bruises over her face,
The noises hid her deafening screams,
The hijaab hid the bloodcurdling violence,
Somehow her eyes made an attempt to speak....

The society was blind this time!

-Pranjal Sharma

Tuesday 3 May 2016


On her marriage gifted her a vanity box!
After 7 months of marriage...the box is still unopened but the colour of her cheeks transforms to deeper shades of RED everyday!

-Pranjal Sharma

Saturday 16 April 2016


She sat alone with thoughts mocking her mind,
Finding reasons for her absurdly differing kinds,
At the end of the day she found a golden route,
Our reflections change and so do our truths.
-Pranjal Sharma.

Sunday 27 March 2016


There are times when you don't really understand what's wrong with you!
You know they are not into you anymore,they don't feel the same for you,so then what is it? 
That keeps killing you.
You try your best to stay away from them, keep distance,limit feelings,so then what is it? 
That keeps you buckled to them! 
You think you don't know it so let me tell you that you do!
Very well! 
It's HOPE! 
Somewhere or the other,in the deepest core of your being, a ray of hope still believes that you can get back and suffer the purgatory of being together!
And somewhere even deeper you know that this is never going to happen!
Even I've never ever been able to understand this thing about human behaviour! 
We know what is good for us and what is not! 
Even while indulging into the worst of the things,we know it's going to stab us some or the other day but we still continue!
We fall in love with words more than action and that will be the end of all the sincere souls out there because fairytales don't exist! 
You have to create your story and as long as you keep on longing for your lost love,you'll never be able to flush those memories down the lane and make room for radiant ideas which are actually the reason behind all this mystery!
So I know one thing for sure that you have to let it go! No matter how much it kills you,just breathe and let go!
Because holding on will do nothing but destroy you and a pious soul like you deserves to be loved!
So keep breathing and let go off everything and know that YOU ARE INFINITE!😊
-Pranjal Sharma


He forgot to scan the loops and match the DNA trends ,
So brought them closer and called them FRIENDS !

-Pranjal Sharma